Even a young child can pick out a rose- it is by far one of the most popular flowers that is grown. With literally hundreds of types, the rose is also one of our most beloved. Whether your garden is a small plot or encompasses a larger area, the chances are that you will have a rose bush or two somewhere among the other plants.
But roses are by no means the only flowers that enjoy a "star" status. There are other flowers that the majority of people can pick out, some easier to grow than others. Some of my very favorite of these are:
1) The tulip. Cup shaped and colorful, the tulip is a fairly easy to grow flower. Some people lift the bulbs during the fall and replant during the spring, but I never have and my tulips are always spectacular. With the wide number of colors available, you could have nearly any pattern you could imagine. (I once had a tulip bed that went white, pale pink and then near black; people would stop along the road and stare,)
2) The iris. Another flower which grows from a bulb, these bulbs can be divided every year or two to make your bed even bigger.(Again lifting the bulbs is usually done, but I never have.) The iris can be found in such a wide range of exotic colors that it may be hard to make a choice between which ones you really would like to have, and the added bonus on some of the varieties is the heavenly scent. I swear my light purple smell like grape kool-aid.
3) The daisy. He loves me, he loves me not. Does any other flower bring up more sweet childhood memories than the daisy? Simple and unassuming, the daisy is so easy to grow that it can become a nuisance plant if you are not careful. Grown in either white or yellow, the daisy can be a good garden or container plant.
4) The carnation. Prized for its spicy scent and easy care, the carnation is the poor man's rose. Used in boutonnieres across the country, it also makes appearances in corsages, and in bouquets. It is long lasting when cut, and can be dyed to nearly any color.
5) The freesia. Usually found potted in nurseries and garden shops, the freesia is not only pretty it has by far the most fabulous scent. A few potted freesia in a room will fill the entire area with its heavenly aroma.
6)The gladiola. Found in both dwarf and regular varieties, the gladiola is an easy to grow flower with vivid color and dramatic upright, sword like stalks. If you do not plant the bulbs deep enough, they may grow sideways, so always read the instructions carefully. After the lowest bloom opens, you can cut the glad and add it to your cut flower displays. They add drama and pizzazz to your bouquet and a small bundle of glads on their own can be quite the showstopper.
But roses are by no means the only flowers that enjoy a "star" status. There are other flowers that the majority of people can pick out, some easier to grow than others. Some of my very favorite of these are:
1) The tulip. Cup shaped and colorful, the tulip is a fairly easy to grow flower. Some people lift the bulbs during the fall and replant during the spring, but I never have and my tulips are always spectacular. With the wide number of colors available, you could have nearly any pattern you could imagine. (I once had a tulip bed that went white, pale pink and then near black; people would stop along the road and stare,)
2) The iris. Another flower which grows from a bulb, these bulbs can be divided every year or two to make your bed even bigger.(Again lifting the bulbs is usually done, but I never have.) The iris can be found in such a wide range of exotic colors that it may be hard to make a choice between which ones you really would like to have, and the added bonus on some of the varieties is the heavenly scent. I swear my light purple smell like grape kool-aid.
3) The daisy. He loves me, he loves me not. Does any other flower bring up more sweet childhood memories than the daisy? Simple and unassuming, the daisy is so easy to grow that it can become a nuisance plant if you are not careful. Grown in either white or yellow, the daisy can be a good garden or container plant.
4) The carnation. Prized for its spicy scent and easy care, the carnation is the poor man's rose. Used in boutonnieres across the country, it also makes appearances in corsages, and in bouquets. It is long lasting when cut, and can be dyed to nearly any color.
5) The freesia. Usually found potted in nurseries and garden shops, the freesia is not only pretty it has by far the most fabulous scent. A few potted freesia in a room will fill the entire area with its heavenly aroma.
6)The gladiola. Found in both dwarf and regular varieties, the gladiola is an easy to grow flower with vivid color and dramatic upright, sword like stalks. If you do not plant the bulbs deep enough, they may grow sideways, so always read the instructions carefully. After the lowest bloom opens, you can cut the glad and add it to your cut flower displays. They add drama and pizzazz to your bouquet and a small bundle of glads on their own can be quite the showstopper.
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